The Athletics Project - Our Story
As part of our ATHLETICS PROJECT initiated back in May we wanted to showcase some of dedicated athletes, coaches and officials that make up our athletics community. Over the next few weeks we hope to uncover those individuals who braved the cold in May to represent us all.
Troye Williams is a dedicated official and coach who has mentored so many young kids over the years. Troye gives up so much time and dedication to the development of young athletes and our sport. It is fitting we start off our ATHLETICS PROJECT with a few insights from Troye.
ANS: Hi Troye, we know you give up so much time and effort to the sport of track and field. We wanted to uncover some other aspects of life that you devote time to. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports?
Troye: I am a religious person and try to practice my faith as much as possible. I am an avid reader and usually always have multiple books on the go. I’m the strength and conditioning coach for a local high school. I’m also an Athletics NS horizontal jumps official. I love hiking.
ANS: Troye can you describe your some major highlights and achievements in sports you have had in the past?
Troye: I was the provincial 100m, 4x100m relay and Long Jump champion through Junior and Senior High School except for one year I sat out with a broken ankle.
ANS: What is the best piece of advice you’ve gained from coaches you have had in the past?
Troye: When training, believe in the process, results take time and don’t expect quick results.
ANS: Troye can you rank the top five priorities you currently have in your life.
• Faith
• Family
• Health
• Employment
• Coaching
ANS: Is there a coach or athlete that you look up to as a role model and why?
Troye: Over the years I have had several influential coaches in my life; Robert Upshaw-Basketball, Garnet Cross, Debbie Brown and Winston Manuel-Track and Field. While I don’t believe in role models, these individuals helped me become the coach I am today.
ANS: Troye what do you see yourself accomplishing in the next five to ten years?
Troye: I just intend to keep being me. I enjoy sports and will continue volunteering my time to the athletes of the future.
ANS: Is there one quote or motto you follow that sums up the way you think?
Troye: No there isn’t. I tell all the athletes I coach, be in the moment and don’t chase results. Do what you can at that time in that moment and be happy with it no matter the outcome because there is always tomorrow.
ANS: Thanks so much Troye for sharing some of your thoughts and dedicating so much of your time to helping athletes and Track & Field grow in Nova Scotia. See you at the track.